How you Should Appreciate Others’ Evolutions
A few days ago, I wrote about being misunderstood in regards to your goals. This brought to my mind recent conversations I had with some of my friends.
Having been working so much on myself and my goals, I seemed to have lost track of how my friends have been improving in their own sense.
One friend I hadn’t seen in a few months and who came back to Japan looking for a job was doing a lot of small tasks to survive while searching.
It turned out he had created and nurtured numerous connections since last time we met. Listening to his evolution made me notice how small my actions had been.
Thanks to his hard work, he found connections in one of the largest actors in Japan in the sector he is interested in and while it hasn’t fully paid off yet, it has allowed him to find a job and thus a proper visa.
Another friend with whom I have been talking about self-development on a regular basis also told me about a recent advancement he has been doing in his one-year-old company.
He has been tackling numerous tasks from different angles, thus starting to create an overall connection between his actions.
I am incredibly happy and proud of them for those actions but couldn’t help myself from being disappointed in myself at the same time.
All the work I have done so far hasn’t really “paid off” and despite knowing from the start it wouldn’t, I deeply believed I was the one evolving the most nowadays. I suppose I had too much self-confidence.
However, as said in my article the other day, others can’t really understand how far you get. This works both ways and these talks made me realize it the hard way.
I had no idea how much they were evolving.
There will always be things you aren’t aware of. There will always be times when you overestimate yourself.
Whenever you notice those and start being disappointed in yourself. In those times, be careful not to let yourself be overwhelmed by this feeling.
On the contrary, take the opportunity to listen closely to what and how others have done. Look for what you hadn’t thought of and find how you can improve yourself even further.
Embrace other people’s evolutions.
While you may think you’re the only one developing himself, don’t forget that every single person on earth is, in one way or the other, doing their best.
You can learn from everybody, so listen carefully to whatever comes your way.